Guiding Feedback
Aside from this feedback references from previous classes and trips are
available on request. A lot of my business is repeat - clients come
back again. I also get a large percentage of my work through referrals
- clients tell their friends what a great time they had.
From guided climbing trips:
Again, thanks for everything. I cannot shower you with enough praise
for being such an awesome guide. You're the best!
Thanks again for everything on our trip: your patience, encouragement,
knowledge, wit and camaraderie are much appreciated. You are a terrific
guide. We look forward to our next trip together.
Thanks again for the great trip up Mt. Hood, I had a blast and learned
a lot. I was wondering what the interest was in the Mt. Jefferson climb.
I'm definitely interested. [Note - this climb for OSU had included a
descent in winter storm conditions in June.]
Thanks for the guiding you did for us this summer. Your patience and
support when I got wiped out on the descent meant a lot.
Thanks for guiding my husband and making sure he came back safely.
He has talked a great deal about this trip and I know it was a fantastic
experience for him. I'm just glad he got the chance and was able to
find a good guide like you to help him make his first summit.
Thank you so much for the great climb. You are an incredible person
and guide. We really enjoyed the climb. R. says to thank you again for
your patience and encouragement. We are
fortunate to have found your guiding service....btw, The photos you
took are really awesome!
Thanks for a Great Time!!!! Great pics, by the way!!! My Family loved
them. Your knowledge & willingness to explain everything meant a lot
to me . I'm interested next year if you put a trip together. Let me
know. Thanks again for all that you did!
Thanks for the Mt. Washington climb. We had a great time.
Thanks for being a part of one of the best vacations I have ever had.
Thanks - What a blast that was. Who has pictures of us in the crevasse?
I've got to have one of those!!!
From avalanche classes:
Thanks again for the terrific avalanche class you and Dale instructed. We both got a lot out of it. Because of what we learned
I canceled a ski trip I was to lead just south of the White Pass ski resort on Dec. 28.
Actually the trip was rescheduled to take place on the lower slopes, in
glades, in the trees, and those scheduled to go didn’t like that
option, thus the cancellation. I took a little heat for the change.
Tragically Dec. 29th was the date of the fatal incident at Crystal
Mt/Norse Pk., similar terrain not too far away.
"I took a class from you about five years ago on Avalanche Safety. It
has served me well on backcountry trips. I enjoy getting your mailings and
just wanted to let you know I'd like to keep getting them"
... Also, just have to say I REALLY enjoyed the class, learned a tremendous
amount from your lectures, and gained a lot of confidence from your
constant quizzing and evaluation in the field. [From an advanced course.]
Just wanted to let you know that I got a lot of information out of
the class over the weekend, specifically from an experiential stand
point which beats anything you read in a book. I realized what I had
gained as I gave a summary of my experience to some friends. ... It
was also clear to me, you really enjoy being outdoors and sharing that
experience with others -- you standing there in the blowing wind and
snow with a smile on your face as your students huffed and puffed up
the hill. ... Hope we get to do something again in the future.
We had a great Sawtooth trip ... Your class was very helpful in assessing
avalanche potential, choosing our route, communicating, looking at the
big picture. Felt confident with beacons. In turn, taught others in
the group. Thanks!
... just got back from a weekend at Tuckerman's Ravine and the Gulf
of Slides, NH about 5 hours driving from here. We really liked your
course and I think we are making better decisions about what we should
Thanks again for presenting your avalanche seminar for the club climb
leaders. I really learned a lot and greatly appreciated your teaching
approach. I am interested in... [requests for additional training]...
"Check out Jim Frankenfield at
www.mountain-guiding.com -
he's a snow physicist. He definitely knows his stuff, and he'll also create
a class and come to where you are at if you get a few people together."
- Posted on the Powder Magazine discussion forum
From introductory classes:
You established my trust in you as a leader by demonstrating that
you were willing to make some good practical decisions when required
to, which made me feel safe to have you as a guide on a climb. Your
list of items was well thought out. I appreciated the observation that
people have different risk margins.
I have chosen your program for many reasons. The first is the class
size. Of the fifteen programs I have looked at yours has the smallest
classes..., that's awesome!
Just a quick note of thanks for a wonderful experience. My son and
I truly appreciate your effort and depth of experience you conveyed
during the weekend. We both took away more information than I had hoped
for. My son especially thought that sharing your crampons so he might
climb that ice face was very special. You are a credit to mountaineering
both in spirit and in deed.
Thanks for the Class, I had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
The class was well done and provided a safe environment for learning
skills and techniques. Probably the most valuable information I came
away with was an appreciation for how dangerous mountain climbing and
glacier travel can be when things are done wrong; the importance of
good sound decision making; and the importance of understanding my particular
skill level when making climbing decisions. I certainly have a much
better appreciation of these than I did before the class.
We all had a great time and are talking it up all over the office.
Thanks for your patience and teaching last weekend! I'm impressed
with how much I feel like I learned and accomplished.
From the University of Oregon:
Just wanted to thank you for the ice climbing show. Folks seemed
to be enjoying it. Certainly got the great turnout! Lets stay in touch
for future possibilities. It would be great to tap into your avalanche
knowledge some time... perhaps a presentation coupled with a field outing.
Thank you so much for the wonderful Avalanche Awareness Clinic presentaion.
We have had a lot of positive feedback on your clinic. Everyone said
it was very informative.
From a patrol director after a NSP Advance Avalanche Class I assisted
a great deal with:
From Oregon State Students on contributions to their mail list:
I wanted to thank you for making the club think about safety measures
repeatedly. It is very important that we all be responsible while we
are out there. I think that gets a little underplayed in the excitement
of the adventure. We have been lucky that we have had few accidents,
and with this crowd, the only way to keep that up, is a constant reminder.
Thank you very much.
I just want to let you know that I value your comments and wisdom
in mountaineering. Keep passing on the good word. We always need to
be reminded about safety and the use of common sense! (A member of the
OSU Mountaineering Club)

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