" Guiding Quotes "
[Peter Boardman]
[Gaston Rebuffat]
[Lionel Terray]
[Walter Brun]
"Their lives are linked by a love and profession to the mountains,
and their company will enhance the experience of all those who wish
to approach the mountains and learn."
"We were two men in a land of stone and we walked toward
the same star. I was happy to be on the drus, but here as elsewhere,
my happiness was to lead a companion. What would a guide be without
someone to lead? Good weather, bad weather, easy, difficult, I need
to sing the same tune as he. That was the gift of our mountains. Climbing
to the summit, one man does his job, another is on vacation and the
luxury of their efforts is friendship."
"The man who climbs only in good weather, starting from huts and never bivouacking, appreciates the splendor of the mountains but not their mystery, the dark of their night, the depth of their sky above... How much he has missed!"
"On this proud and beautiful mountain we have lived hours of fraternal, warm and exalting nobility. Here for a few days we have ceased to be slaves and have really been men. It is hard to return to servitude."
"... guides need a healthy dose of psychology and sociology,
an appreciation for art and beauty, and - oh yeah, almost forgot - a
modicum of luck"!

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